
If you want an opportunity to try something new, to test yourself, to DARE yourself. DO AEROGA.

Signup at : or call 305-455-1432

Real Food vs. Nutritional Supplements

Real Food vs. Nutritional Supplements

Nowadays, we see more industrial products with their powerful multivitamin effects on the grocery store shelves than we see natural foods and the natural benefits that come with real food. The supplement industry promotes their products with vast million dollar marketing strategies that try to convince us that real food does not provide enough vitamins, minerals, enzymes and fiber because of their growing methods and processing before getting to our tables. When this message is repeated enough times it has a way of making us believe that processed and modified food is the answer to a healthy and happier life..

On the other hand, when we expose ourselves to a more international cuisine when eating out or shopping at a natural foods market, we discover more global plant-based foods and animal-based foods that haven’t been infused with chemicals.

Studies show that people who want to overcome vitamin and mineral deficiencies will:
– Try to get an army of all of them through supplements on a daily basis.
– Eat on the run anything they can get and supplement our nutritional daily intake with a “healthy” food replacement at the end of the day.
– Go organic all day long and avoid any industrialized multivitamin products.

Theories suggest that overcoming any deficiencies in real food means including processed capsules and powders; While others theories claim that nothing is better for the body than real and natural foods which, over millions of years, has learned to smoothly and gently digest them.

• Supplementation should be advised through experts based on your age, gender, health condition, sport and fitness levels, and lifestyle.
• Natural foods should be the foundation on which the household is built.
• Explore local, seasonal, organic, super foods.
• Make time to chew your meals.
• Never eliminate food groups or exchange them for meal replacements unless recommended by your physician.
• Build your weekly meals with all the colors, shapes and textures that are seasonally available.
• Explore in your kitchen by lightly steaming, water-sauteing and mixing raw fruit and vegetables.
• Consume foods high in antioxidants.
• Plan meals with all the essential amino acids (building blocks) by including animal products with your veggies or through a combination of vegetables, grain and seeds.
• Exercise outdoors for the sunlight and fresh air.
• Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

DO AEROGA with Miami’s Celebrity Yoga Guru

Join Tracie Wright Vlaun in AEROGA at the St. Regis Bal Harbour!!!!!!!!!

The Buddha said that ” on life’s journey some people gather wisdom, some gather stones, and some gather nothing.To gather wisdom you must follow your own path. If you rely soley on wise teachers, their wisdom may weight you down, like stones in your pockets, and impede your way.”

Christopher Vlaun and Tracie Wright Vlaun mentioned in July DEPARTURES Magazine!

Check it out!

Do AEROBIC YOGA (AEROGA) at the St. Regis!

Come join Tracie Wright Vlaun at the St. Regis Bal Harbour this summer and DO AEROGA!!! Visit our website at for class schedules!

Black Book Magazine Story on Christopher and Tracie Wright Vlaun]

V For Victory – Health & Beauty – BlackBook
> There’s a very good breakfeast buffet at the new [LINK:
>] St. Regis Bal Harbour. It has lots of
> sausage and little muffins. You can also avail yourself of a bottomless
> chafing dish of bacon.
> Since I had done that many times during my stay there, I thought it would
> be best if I tried V-Art of Wellness, the fitness program devised by
> Christopher and Tracie Vlaun, an exceedingly toothsome couple, and offered
> at the St. Regis fitness club. Our session began with a half-hour of Aeroga
> on the beach. Tracie led us through sun salutations as the sun rose. Sweat
> began to stream down my forehead and I engaged mula bhanda. Aeroga, to me,
> seems a lot like a quicker version of yoga, with an uplifting techno
> soundtrack. At one point, we launched a flurry of uppercuts as Tracie
> squealed around us enthusiastically. I don’t know if it was zen, but it
> was fun.
> Chris was up next. The guy has a big wide smile and a neck as thick as a
> Corinthian column. He has his own philosophy called the BeFit method, which
> is outdoor circuit training with a focus on joint stability. We started
> running along the beach barefoot. “Can you feel the negative ions?” he
> asked. They supposedly come from the water and engage my hippocampus. I
> huffed that I didn’t know if I could or not, but I could feel my legs and
> my butt burning. Jogging on the beach in the soft sand is really, really
> hard but it builds core strength. Chris bade me sprint, which I did.
> Early-morning fishermen looked at us like we were crazy. Then he got out
> the boxing mitts, set up a ring with cones on a wide stretch of sand, and
> we boxed as the Miami sun worked its way higher into the sky. And then,
> because I was at the St. Regis, I wiped down with my gently scented
> post-workout moist towel.